Category Geographical information systems
Publisher  GeoGraphs Corporation 
Platform WinNT, Win2000, WinXP
Status Commercial
Description GeoFlash is a Windows API that converts the most common GIS files into Macromedia binary SWF files and the appropriate ActionScript Files. Key features: Layers and/or Themes, Zoom and Pan, Query, Selections, and Thematic Analyses. Inputs ArcView Shape (SHP) and Project Files (APR) or MapInfo MID/MIF Files. Layers and attributes can be edited and values can be added to the files. The program provides options for colour coding (scales) and legends. Queries and searches of the database can be done from the generated Macromedia SWF file.
Cost US Dollars 495
Data formats supported Mapping and GIS  :  MIF / MID   :  Shape 
Supplier in Canada  GeoGraphs Corporation 

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