Useful WWW Links

Some links to WWW software sites are listed below. The sites contain software, directories of software and/or links to other sites. There is little geotechnical software, the majority is geological, geoenvironmental or hydrogeological.

 AI-GEOSTATS  AI-GEOSTATS is a comprehensive information source on available software commonly used in spatial data analysis (GIS) and spatial statistics (geostatistics). It includes links to many freeware programs.
 ASCE Seepage/Groundwater Modelling  The American Society of Civil Engineers Geotechnical Engineering Software web pages are a part of the ASCE Geotechnical Engineering Division World Wide Web Site. They contain links to commercial and American quasi-governmental organisations that supply software principally for environmental related groundwater analysis. Includes sources of non-commercial software.
 Cetrus Inc.  Cetrus is a commercial site that provides existing engineering design software through a pay-per use rental system of internet access. Includes some geotechnical applications.
 CIRIA Contaminated Land Portal  A short list of software packages most widely used in the UK for the assessment of contaminated land.
 Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering  The October 1996 edition of the EJGE includes a review article written by Tim Spink covering many of the geotechnical programs listed in the Geotechnical and Geo-environmental Software Directory.
 Engineering Software Center  A database of Civil Engineering software, including some geotechnical.  A general environmental information and directory web site with a listing of environmental software including a section on Soil and Groundwater
 GeoIndex  The Geo-Environmental Search Engine for the WWW. Covers geotechnics, hydrology, hydrogeology and mining, in addition to geo-environmental WWW sites. Searches may be carried out for single or multiple phases, in the databases of Companies, Associations, Education and/or Government. Unfortunately the database has not been updated since 1998.
 Geostatistics and petroleum related WWW sites  Statistical Analysis of Natural Resource Data (SAND) is one of the departments of the Norwegian Computing Center, a non-profit research foundation. The department carries out research into reservoir description, stochastic modelling, and geostatistics within the petroleum industry using statistical methods to reduce and quantify risk and uncertainty. The page includes links to commercial and non-commercial geostatistical and reservoir modelling software.
 GInfoServer  Extensive reference site for Geographical Information Systems, with links to software providers, data sources, tutorials and other useful information.
 Hearne Scientific Software Pty Ltd  Supplier of commercial scientific software including some geotechnical and geo-environmental programs. On-line catalogue.
 International Ground Water Modelling Center  The International Ground Water Modelling Center at the Colorado School of Mines supplies commercial and non-commercial ground water modelling software covering the fields of educational; test data sets; flow models; geo-statistical analysis; ground water data base programs; heat transport; hydrogeochemical models; management; optimisation; models for fractured systems; multi-phase flow and transport; observation network design; parameter estimation; salt water intrusion; solute transport; vapour transport
 Links for Mineralogists  Annotated links to internet resources, especially for mineralogists, petrologists, crystallographers and geologists, but includes links to general geoscience software, as well as specific programs for mineralogists.
 Macintosh Geological Software  Extensive listing of geological software for the Apple Mac. Includes data analysis and data visualisation programs and a small amount of geotechnical and geo-environmental software.
 National Information Service for Earthquake Engineering  NISEE of the Earthquake Engineering Research Center at Berkeley, University of California has a searchable database of programs for seismic design in geotechnical and structural engineering.
 Online Learning Civil & Environmental Engineering  An online resource for students, scientists and engineers of technical information in the field of civil engineering. It includes free down-loadable geotechnical, groundwater and numerical modelling software.
 R B Winston's Home Page for Groundwater Software  Numerous links to groundwater software on the Internet. Covers shareware, commercial software and links to other WWW and FTP sites.
 Register of Ecological Models  Contains descriptions of several hundred ecological programs, including a number of geoenvironmental programs. Compiled by the University of Kassel, Germany.
 RockWare Inc  Supplier of commercial geological software including some geotechnical and geo-environmental programs. Extensive on-line catalogue.
 Scientific Software Group  Company supplying commercial software in the fields of groundwater analysis and environmental engineering. The site includes demonstration versions of some of the programs for downloading. Extensive on-line catalogue.
 SeismoLinks  Catalogues several hundred programs related to earthquake hazard analysis, geotechnical and structural seismic design
 The Hydrogeologist's Home Page  Contains links to other WWW sites with hydrogeological software.
 The Soft Earth  The Soft Earth is an excellent resource listing for geoscience software available on the Internet. It is regularly updated and should be your first port of call when looking for geological software on the Internet. It contains links under the headings of general software sites and registers; geology; geophysics; oceanography; mathematical/statistical/geostatistical; GIS and mapping; map data; graphing/plotting; commercial software. The resource has not been updated since 1997, and has now becoming rather dated.
 The WWW Virtual Library: Geotechnical Engineering  The most comprehensive catalogue of Internet resources about Geotechnical Engineering, including WWW, Gopher, and FTP servers, and newsgroups. The list includes universities, organisations, government agencies, and commercial sites from around the world, together with a selection of geotechnical software sites.
 UniServe*Science Database  An on-line Directory of Earth Science computer software at the University of Sydney aimed at Australian educationalists.
 USEPA CEAM Software Products  The Center for Exposure Assessment Modelling (CEAM) of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency includes a number of DOS freeware programs for environmental and groundwater modelling.

Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Software Directory ©  Bedrock  2025