Category Dynamics (behaviour and earthquake)
Publisher  Wayne State University 
Platform Win95/98, WinNT
Status Public domain
Description SHAKE21 is a one-dimensional site-response analysis program based on the equivalent linear method. Version 1.0 was developed for the Windows 95/98/NT environments to make a site-response analysis simplified. Each task in a site-response analysis is modularized. Therefore, the user can make a series of site-response runs one after another by changing one or more analysis conditions. The user can register earthquake input motions, soil-profile data, and shear modulus and damping curves into the program for repeated use. In Version 2.0, these data can also be generated at run time by using the spreadsheet function. The user can visually inspect computed responses by generating various types of graphs and animated movements of soil layers. It can handle up to 16384 data points of an earthquake input motion and 50 soil layers.
Cost US Dollars 1000 (Version 1.0), US Dollars 1200 (Version 2.0), discounts for academic usage
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in United States of America  Wayne State University 

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