Permeability Test
Category Laboratory testing (soil)
Publisher  GEOSYSTEM Software 
Platform DOS
Status Commercial
Description Permeability Test program calculates and prints the results of a variety of flexible wall and fixed wall permeability tests. Performs calculations for ASTM D 5084 Methods A, B, and C, and the Trautwein Constant Volume test. Calculated results are displayed followed by a graph of flow volume vs. time. Time and date are converted into seconds or hours of elapsed time, year 2000 compatible. Adjusts elapsed times for changes to and from Daylight Savings Time. Graphs on report show Flow Volume vs. Time and Permeability vs. Gradient. Permeability is corrected for temperature. Constant Head Test Features: Can handle 2 runs at different gradients on the same specimen. Flow rate is determined by linear regression. Test differential head is calculated using average gauge pressures, corrected for hydrostatic levels in burets. Buret level resets allow for long tests.
Cost US Dollars 600
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in United States of America  GEOSYSTEM Software 

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