Category Insitu testing
Publisher  Geo&soft International 
Platform Win95/98, WinNT
Status Commercial
Description INSITU carries out interpretation of both static and dynamic insitu penetration tests (CPT, SPT and DP). From SPT test results the program determines, where possible, using different calculation methods, the relative density, the friction angle, the effective vertical and total confined modulus, Young's modulus, the upper limits of the ratio settlement/admissible load, point resistance, the dynamic shear modulus and the cyclic stress. For CPT tests in granular strata the program determines the friction angle, the drained compressibility and the relative density, while for cohesive strata it evaluates the shear resistance under undrained conditions, compressibility, sensitivity and degree of over-consolidation. For the DP test carried out in granular strata the program gives the same results as for the SPT test. Results can be cut and pasted to other programs or exported in Microsoft Word 97 format. The complete user manual is available on-line. Multilingual (Italian, English, French and Spanish). LAN supported. A full working demo version is available on the WWW.
Cost US Dollars 450
Data formats supported Documents  :  Word 
Supplier in Italy  Geo&soft International 

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