Category Retaining wall design
Publisher  Danish Geotechnical Institute 
Platform Win3x, Win95/98, WinNT
Status Commercial
Description KSP finds the dimensions for cantilevered and anchored sheet pile walls according to the earth pressure theory for earth retaining structures, described in: Kinematically and Statically Plausible calculations for sheet walls, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Volume 32, No. 3, 1995, Pages 408 - 419, by Knud Mortensen. All calculations are carried out in the ultimate limit state, using the theory of plasticity. Design values of external loads and ground properties shall be derived from characteristic values by use of partial factors of safety. The magnitude of the partial factors of safety is determined by the user. In order to evaluate the design basis and the design results the user must have a basic understanding of earth pressure calculations.
Cost Danish Kroner 12,000
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in Denmark  Danish Geotechnical Institute 

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