Category Slope stability (soil)
Publisher  Interactive Software Designs, Inc. 
Platform DOS
Status Commercial
Description XSTABL performs a two dimensional limit equilibrium analysis to compute the factor of safety for a layered slope. The Generalized Limit Equilibrium (GLE) method allows factors of safety to be calculated for force and moment equilibrium or for force equilibrium only, using different interslice force angle distributions including Spencer's, Morgenstern-Price, or one of the methods proposed by the Corps of Engineers. If an analysis requires a search for the most critical failure surface, the simplified Bishop and Janbu methods of analysis are selected due to their relative ease of use. The program may be used to either search for the most critical circular, non-circular, or block-shaped surface, or alternatively, to analyze a single circular or non-circular surface. The critical surface is identified by automatically generating and analyzing failure surfaces between defined initiation/termination ranges or by connecting points randomly located within search boxes specified by the user. This approach minimizes the required input parameters and can be effectively used to confine the surface generation within a narrow, well-defined zone. The soil strength along the failure surface may be described as either conventional (C, phi), undrained or non-linear Mohr Coulomb and can be either isotropic or anisotropic. The undrained strengths are assigned as a function of the vertical effective stress. For effective stress analysis, pore water pressure may be simulated by specifying: A piezometric surface; Multiple phreatic surfaces; Pore water pressure grid; Constant pore pressure; Pore pressure parameter ru. Based on Purdue's STABL program.
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in United States of America  Interactive Software Designs, Inc. 

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