Category Contaminant transport (3D)
Publisher  US Geological Survey 
Platform DOS, Mac, UNIX, DG, SGI, Sun
Status Public domain
Description MOC3D simulates 3D solute transport in flowing ground water. The model computes changes in concentration of a single dissolved chemical constituent over time that are caused by advective transport, hydrodynamic dispersion (including both mechanical dispersion and diffusion), mixing (or dilution) from fluid sources, and mathematically simple chemical reactions (including linear sorption, which is represented by a retardation factor, and decay). The model can also simulate groundwater age transport and the effects of double porosity and zero order growth/loss. The transport model is integrated with MODFLOW, a 3D groundwater flow model that uses implicit finite difference methods to solve the transient flow equation. MOC3D uses the method-of-characteristics to solve the transport equation on the basis of the hydraulic gradients computed with MODFLOW for a given time step. Particle tracking is used to represent advective transport and explicit finite difference methods are used to calculate the effects of other processes.
Cost Free on WWW
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in United States of America  International Ground Water Modeling Center 
Supplier in United States of America  US Geological Survey 

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