Category Numerical analysis utilities
Platform DOS
Status Public domain
Description GRIDMAKER is a program for 2D and 3D FEM grid generation for ground water & pollutant transport problem modelling. It serves as a preprocessor for finite element models in solving two- and three-dimensional subsurface flow and pollutant transport problems. It is designed to generate three-point triangular or four-point quadrilateral elements for two-dimensional domains and eight-point hexahedron elements for three-dimensional domains. A two-dimensional domain of an aquifer with a variable depth layer is treated as a special case for depth-integrated two-dimensional, finite element subsurface flow models. The program accommodates the need for aquifers with heterogeneous systems by identifying the type of material in each element. It is based on the method of conformal mapping, the generation of interior nodal points within the two-dimensional domain of interest is performed numerically by the boundary integral element method (BIEM). For a three-dimensional domain, the BIEM techniques are applied in the projected horizontal plane, while the vertical coordinate is transformed by a normalized transformation using local layer thickness.
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in France  OECD Nuclear Energy Agency 

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