Gradlab Gds
Category Laboratory testing (soil)
Publisher  Hugh Lerwill Computer Software 
Platform Win95/98, WinNT, Win2000, WinXP
Status Commercial
Description Gradlab Gds is a sieve analysis database for the analysis and quality control of soil and aggregates for use in construction. Individual specifications for each material are entered into the material database using the Material browser prior to entry of sample data representing them. Specification types for soil, drystone aggregate, BS4987, BS594 and proprietary materials are supported. Materials can be specified/ tested on up to 18 sieves. The Material browser also facilitates modification of existing material records and calculation of statistics relating to their source, destination and sample compliance. Assignment of materials to Q Value Groups and subsequent analysis is supported. Information regarding each source of materials is entered into the supplier database using the Supplier browser before input of related sample data. Data for each job from which materials are being sampled are entered into the job database via the Job browser. Sample records store data for sieve analysis, other result data eg. temperature, binder content, flakiness can be included. Details for samples may be entered into the Sample browser on their receipt to the laboratory and custom laboratory test forms produced for them. Result data for completed sample records can be reported in a variety of text and graphical formats. Individual samples can be displayed, printed out and emailed as; Sample reports including, laboratory source data, computed results, and compliance status with regard to all tested parameters. Particle size distribution graphs, showing sample gradation and binder content (if applicable), with regard to specified envelopes. Sample records can also be selected for inclusion in statistical and trend analysis reports including; Trend sheet tables for printout or export into third party spreadsheet or database software. Numeric statistical report for all tested parameters. Multi trace sample particle size distribution graphs. Particle size distribution graph indicating mean gradation and 1-99% confidence interval. Multi trace trend graph for all specified sieves. Single trace trend graph for each tested parameter including specified envelope. Distribution graph for each specified sieve or test parameter including specified envelope. Running mean trend graph for each tested parameter. Pie chart indicating compliance category for sample results. The analyses produced allow the user to assess the actual compliance of samples with regard to material specifications and the category scheme employed. Additionally statistical information regarding expected compliance can be assessed and compared with the actual figures. Test parameters which exhibit poor control can be identified and appropriate actions taken, in many cases, before actual non compliance occurs. Optional modules are available for Aggregate Blending, Blacktop Analysis, Mix Design Database, Cusum Control and Visual Inspection Database. A demonstration version is available on the www.
Cost UK Pounds 700
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in United Kingdom  Hugh Lerwill Computer Software 

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