Category Database systems (with log production)
Publisher  Geroc Solutions Ltd 
Platform WinXP, Vista, Windows 7
Status Commercial
Description Core-GS is a modular fully customizable, integrated, multiple-project and multiple-user capable, product for the storage and presentation of geospatial data; including investigation, in-situ testing, laboratory testing and monitoring data with presentation in user-definable logs, charts, image reports and tables. Data is stored in Microsoft SQL Server databases with Master (read-only) and Project collections to avoid inadvertent changes and/or deletion of valuable templates. Import/export is supported from common file types with data mapping options. Predefined query types and auto-series charts rapidly breakdown data into user-defined domains. Office Document Connection (ODC) files can be exported to connection Excel directly with a database, enabling automated update of analytical spreadsheets.
Cost Modular
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in New Zealand  Geroc Solutions Ltd 

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