Counter 3.0
Category Data input
Publisher  PAZ Software 
Platform Mac
Status Commercial
Description Counter 3.0 is data acquistion software that emulates a manual counter. Small fonts and buttons allow 250 categories on the screen. Spreadsheet-like functions include: Add, insert, and delete both samples and categories; Edit counts for any category in any sample at any time; Edit any category or sample name at any time. Other functions: Add or subtract counts by 1 or 10 counts per click; Distinct audible sounds for add and subtract; user defined interval alert (audible tone); Multiply counts above a cut-off. With speech installed, Counter will speak the category name as it is tallied. A histogram of any sample may be viewed and printed and a growth chart is drawn for the active sample. A small, limited version is available as MiniCounter which tracks only 10 categories in one sample.
Cost US Dollars 135 MiniCounter US Dollars 50
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in United States of America  PAZ Software 

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