Category Cathodic protection
Publisher  IFREMER 
Platform Win95/98
Status Commercial
Description PROCOR (cathodic PROtection against CORrosion) Boundary Element Method software has been developed in collaboration between the CETIM (CEntre Technique des Industries MTcaniques), Elf Aquitaine and IFREMER (Institut Frantais de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la MER). It can be applied to problems related to the design or the verification of CP systems of underwater or underground structures and allows the optimization of a CP system in terms of the number, location and type of anodes by evaluating the potential and the current density at every point of the structure on a time basis. The basic elements used in are linear or quadratic surface elements (3 or 6 node triangles and 4 or 8 node quadrangles). These elements can model an anodic or a cathodic surface, a boundary between two sub-regions (different electrolytes or structural parts) or an external boundary of the problem. In each sub-region the electrical conductivity is constant. One edge of a surface element can be extended to infinity and so the element defines a semi-infinite plane. For the study of long structures (pipelines, legs/tubulars of offshore platforms...), it includes a specific 3 node tubular element in which the potential can only vary along the Oz axis. The electro-chemical and electrical characteristics of the materials are taken into account using the boundary conditions applied on surface or tubular elements. These conditions can be of three types: potential; current density; polarisation curve which links potential and current density. Nisancioglu's algorithm, which automatically generates for every chosen element in the model a non-linear polarisation curve, has been implemented. The results are given in the form of the potential and the current density at every point of the cathodic and anodic surfaces, for a given time step if Nisancioglu's algorithm is used. The potential can also be calculated at any chosen point in the electrolyte and the results mapped out. The results also include the total current delivered by each anode, the total amount of current circulating in each sub-region or in all the model.
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in France  IFREMER 

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