Category Contaminant modelling
Publisher  Schlumberger Water Services 
Platform Win95/98
Status Commercial
Description SEQUENCE provides an approach for visualizing the effects of natural attenuation for preparing presentations to both technical and non-technical audiences. The visual aids may be used to simultaneously show spatial and temporal trends for multiple organic pollutants on one site map. It is based on a modified radial diagram method, and may be used to plot radial diagrams representing measured concentrations, or calculated molarity values, for three or more chemicals. Each radial diagram represents chemical data corresponding to one monitoring well location, and consists of multiple axes (one for each chemical) extending radially around a uniform origin. It can be used to plot multiple values (concentrations or molarities) on each axis, so that one radial diagram can be used to compare monitoring well data to background concentrations, or to compare data for one monitoring well corresponding to multiple sampling events. It reads input parameters from ASCII text files to define the map configurations and monitoring well chemical concentrations. There are options to edit the map configurations using an external text editor, and to export the radial diagram maps (DXF files) to proprietary programs such as Surfer or AutoCAD for preparing final report figures. Free on the WWW.
Cost Free on WWW
Data formats supported Drawings  :  DWG   :  DXF 
Supplier in Canada  Schlumberger Water Services 

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