Category Geochemistry
Publisher  Starpoint Software 
Platform Win95/98, WinNT
Status Commercial
Description ChemStat is for statistical analysis of ground water monitoring data at RCRA facilities. Analysis methods comply with 1989 and 1992 USEPA statistical guidance documents. Features: Unlimited number of parameters, wells, sample dates, parameter name and well label length. Exclude individual data points from analyses. Export reports to tab-delimited ASCII text file or word processor. Reads tab-delimited ASCII file. Graphs: Box/Whisker Plots, Single Well Concentration vs. Time Plot, Multiple Well Concentration vs. Time Plot, Multiple Parameter Concentration vs. Time Plot, Probability Plots, Shewhart-CUSUM Control Chart, Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Chart. Parametric Methods: Parametric ANOVA, Parametric Prediction Limit, Confidence Interval. Non-Parametric Methods: Kruskal-Wallis, Wilcoxon Rank-Sum, Poisson Prediction Limit, Poisson Tolerance Limit, Non-Parametric Prediction Limit, Non-Parametric Confidence Limit. Distribution Testing: Levene's Test, Bartlett's Test, Shapiro-Wilks Test, Shapiro-Francia Test, Coefficient of Variation, D'Agostino's Test, Skewness Coefficient Test, Dixon's Test, Rosner's Test, Mann-Kendall Test, Sen's Slope Analysis, Seasonal Kendall Analysis, Kurtosis. A free demonstration version is available on the WWW.
Cost US Dollars 990
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in United States of America  Rockware Inc. 
Supplier in United States of America  Scientific Software Group 
Supplier in United States of America  Starpoint Software 

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