SHAFT (Ensoft) for Windows
Category Piles (single)
Publisher  Ensoft Inc 
Platform Win3x, Win95/98
Status Commercial
Description SHAFT (Ensoft) for Windows is used to compute the axial capacity and the short-term, load versus settlement curves of drilled shafts in various types of soils. It can analyze drilled-shaft response in six types of strata: i) clay - cohesive geomaterial, ii) sand - cohesionless geomaterial, iii) clay-shale, iv) strong rock, v) gravel - cohesionless IGM, and vi) weak rock - cohesive IGM. The program allows for any combination of soil layers to be placed in a layered profile. A text file containing the complete output listing is computed in every computer run. The analytical methods employed are based on experimental data obtained from instrumented load tests of full-sized drilled shafts. New criteria for soil response of gravel and weak rock were modeled after recent papers. Most of the analytical methods are based on suggestions from the latest FHWA manual Drilled Shafts: Construction Procedures and Design Methods by L. C. Reese and M. W. O'Neill, published in November of 1999 distributed by the International Association of Foundation Drilling Contractors.
Cost US Dollars 750
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in United States of America  Ensoft Inc 

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