Category Borehole log production
Publisher  PAZ Software 
Platform Mac
Status Commercial
Description WellPlot is a stratigraphic data analysis and charting application that plots multiple categories (up to 600 columns) against depth or sequence of samples. It reads data directly from spreadsheets. Plot types include: multi-track x-y line plots (log style), bar charts (log style), interval histogram range charts, range-through charts, percent events plots and cumulative data plots with 1st derivative. The Y-axis (depth) can be scaled to depth or sequential samples. The X-axis can be normal (arithmetic) or LOG scale, and absolute or normalized. The charts can be scaled to any horizontal and vertical dimensions. Wall-size charts to page-size charts. Sort categories by first occurrence, last occurrence, alphabetically, by species codes or as originally entered. Look up stratigraphic ranges or other databased information for well data interactively. May be used with geochemical data.
Cost US Dollars 500
Data formats supported None stated
Supplier in United States of America  PAZ Software 

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