Category Plotting (2.5D & contouring)
Publisher  Geo&soft International 
Platform Win95/98, WinNT
Status Commercial
Description ISOMAP generates contour lines for geological, hydrogeological and geophysical applications. Both the classic method of weighted averages and the Kriging method are used as well as a more sophisticated algorithm, specially developed for hydrogeological and geophysical applications. The latter can recognise the regional trend of the analysed variable and use it in areas without control points. There are commands to execute transformations and operations between models (conversion of measurement units, linear transformations, construction of contour lines related to thickness and depth) and filters to handle gravimetric and magnetometric data. Equidistances and the graphic quality of the contour lines are configurable by the user. You can insert flow lines or vectors to represent gradients or the dip direction. The representation can be limited to certain intervals and/or areas. The program enables the generation of perspective views. You can determine the viewing point as well as the vertical exaggeration. Results can be cut and pasted to other programs or exported in Microsoft Word 97 format. The complete user manual is available on-line. Multilingual (Italian, English, French and Spanish). LAN supported. A full working demo version is available on the WWW.
Cost US Dollars 300
Data formats supported Documents  :  Word 
Supplier in Italy  Geo&soft International 
Supplier in Italy  P.A.S.I. srl 
Supplier in Spain  Geosoft Barcelona 

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