Category Borehole log production
Publisher  Golden Software Inc 
Platform Win95/98, Win2000, WinXP
Status Commercial
Description Strater is a well log and borehole plotting software program that imports data from a multitude of sources (database files, data files, LAS files, ODBC, and OLE DB data sources). Features: It includes 12 log types to graphically display data. Each of the logs can be modified. The header and footer areas store the detailed information about the logs, such as well number, driller, location, drilling method, company name, and company logo. Log Types: zone bar, bar, percentage, graphic, well construction, lithology, post, classed post, complex text, line/symbol, crossplot, and depth. Integral tabbed database view allows import, display, enter, edit, sort, and print data. Import data from common spreadsheet and database formats including: MDB, DBF, DB, LAS, XLS, SLK, WKS, CSV, TXT, DAT, BNA, BLN, ODBC, OLE DB, or other SQL data sources. Template files store all the graphical features of a log without the imported data. Schemes provide a way to load drawing properties based on a keyword or range value defined in the imported data. The Property Inspector allows interactive editting of any object's properties. The Object Manager displays all log objects, organized by their design areas, in a hierarchical tree arrangement. The Borehole Manager manages the different borehole views contained in the project. Multiple borehole views are useful for displaying multiple graphics for multiple wells or displaying different layouts for the same data. Import formats include: E00, GSI, GSB, BNA, DLG, LGO, LGS, DXF, PLT, BLN, CLP, WMF, EMF, SHP, MIF, DDF, TIF, BMP, TGA, PCX, WPG, DCX, EPS, JPG, PCT, PNG, and GIF. Export formats include: DXF, DAT, SHP, BNA, GSB, BLN, MIF, GSI, PDF, EPS, CGM, WMF, EMF, CLP, TIF, BMP, TGA, PCX, WPG, PNG, JPG, PCT, DCX, and GIF.
Cost US Dollars 449
Data formats supported Database and Spreadsheet  :  Access   :  Comma Separated Values   :  dBase   :  Excel   :  Paradox 
Documents  :  Portable Document Format   :  Text 
Drawings  :  DXF 
Geophysics  :  LAS 
Images  :  Graphics Interchange Format   :  JPEG   :  Portable Network Graphics   :  Tagged Image File   :  Targa   :  Windows bitmap   :  Windows metafile   :  Zsoft Paint 
Mapping and GIS  :  Atlas BNA   :  DLG   :  E00   :  MIF / MID   :  Shape   :  Surfer boundary 
Printer  :  Encapsulated postscript 
Supplier in United Kingdom  GeoMEM Limited 
Supplier in United States of America  Golden Software Inc 
Supplier in United States of America  Scientific Software Group 

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